Streamer activity for Gilded RP between 14/11/24 and 21/11/24

Online Graph

There was 10 days 1 hour and 55 minutes streamed by 29 streamers

itsmrSTATS 48hrs 22mins
Cowboy_Blitz 28hrs 20mins
iamtherk 14hrs 19mins
frostynadz82 14hrs 9mins
doctorsupercool 14hrs 2mins
Viickyiscool2 12hrs 2mins
thatonedanee 11hrs 40mins
xripppx 11hrs 29mins
meandemon24 10hrs 13mins
HighImNimrod 9hrs 28mins
Gallethril 8hrs 50mins
twister2988 8hrs 31mins
jbond2022 8hrs 13mins
JordanDove24 6hrs 37mins
PrincessYumYum 5hrs 46mins
Ohnospetsnaz 4hrs 56mins
thespazmaniandevii 4hrs 42mins
Relentix 4hrs 22mins
nixcluster 3hrs 51mins
Revadas 3hrs 24mins
bdog1106 2hrs 29mins
medmmdol7561 2hrs 1m
RocJag 1hr 26mins
BirdieLouBear 1hr 24mins
Madam_Loki 45mins
majorbean96 28mins
garmr_the_wolf 5mins
ramzer6265 1m